Things You Should Consider While Renovating Your Bathroom

When it comes to bathroom tiles, there are so many options. The variation, detail, and beauty of ceramic and other bathroom tiles make it difficult to choose the perfect option for your bathroom.
If you are renovating your bathroom there are a few things that you should consider. There will be some challenges and along the way, you will also learn a couple of things. However, with these tips, you will complete your bathroom renovation project.

Measuring your bathroom:

Measuring the square footage of your bathroom may seem like a simple task, but it could be more challenging than you think. You need to measure the square footage to determine how many tiles are required. Homeowners often get confused about whether they should include under the vanity and toilet area. To include these areas into your measurement is essential. It is up to your contractor to cut the perfect hole for the plumbing during a bathroom tile installation. You need new tiles for under the vanity area to create a clean transition.

Bring a sample home:

Whether you are buying tiles locally or placing an order online, before making the final decision, you should bring a sample home to determine whether it will work for your bathroom space or not. Each color looks different in every space. The amount of natural light and the other lighting plays a vital role in the overall look and feel of the bathroom tiles. Bringing a sample home will be the right way to decide whether it’s the right option for your bathroom.

Hire an experienced contractor:

You should be aware of your contractor's expertise. If you end up with an inexperienced contractor, you may have to face issues like poor execution, uneven places, etc. You should ask your contractor about his installation plan and ensure that you communicate properly about how you want your bathroom to look. If you have time then monitor the installation process and correct any errors before it's too late. If you are looking for a contractor online, then visit several websites, see the company's ratings and reviews given by previous customers.

Get a Shower Niche:

Adding a shower niche may seem expensive, but it is not that much of an add-on. This small addition won't significantly affect your overall budget. All you need is a little customization.

Color for Messy Areas:

It's best to go with a darker grout color for messy areas. If you have pets and children in your family, you probably often spend too much time on cleaning. A darker grout color will allow you to skip cleaning for a day or two. However, regardless of your color choice, it's important to check the sealing of the ties to know whether it requires a new coating.

Choosing Tile for Small Spaces:

Regular hexagon tiles are one of the most popular bathroom tile ideas when space is the biggest concern. Choosing smaller tile pieces not only gives the feeling of a large space, but it can also add unique beauty to any space.

Cleaning and maintenance if you have installed Ceramic Tile:

You need to go with the flooring option which is easy to clean and maintain. You can also consider other low maintenance tile options, but for bathrooms, ceramic has been the first choice for many homeowners. A weekly sweep and wiping using an all-natural cleaner is enough to keep your bathroom in perfect condition.

Keep a last-minute back-up option ready:

Once you start your bathroom renovation project, you might find time management and plan quite challenging. You should place your order for flooring and wall tiles in advance, your order should arrive at least two days before the beginning of the project. In case, if you get damaged tiles or have any other issues with your order, you can replace it.


Here are essential things to follow when it comes to a bathroom renovation project. The first thing to consider is to measure your bathroom's square feet well as it will help you determine the requirement of tiles. Before placing the order, bring a sample home to see how it will look in your bathroom lighting. Hire experienced professionals to avoid poor tile installation. Get a shower niche as it will add convenience. For messy spaces, choosing a dark color of the tile is a more viable option. If you have a small bathroom, go with small tiles to give a unique touch. And last but not the least, keep the last-minute back-up option ready.


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